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    Bus tickets

             Our office is having to better service for passengers wishing to travel by bus, working with major companies operating in the bus line from: GREECE to: ALBANIA - BULGARIA - ROMANIA - TURKEY.

    For more information please select from the following categories:

    Albania Bulgaria Romania Turkye
    Óçìáßá Óçìáßá Óçìáßá
    Tirana   Sofia - Istanbul
    Aulona  Plovdiv - -
    Fieri  Blagoevgrad - -
    Gjirokastra   St. Zagora - -
    Tepelena   Sliven - -
    Lushnja  Yambol - -
    Durresi  Tarnovo - -
    Shkoder Varna - -
    - Pleven - -
    - Rouse - -
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    You can contact us by telephone at +30 210 6927240 or send us e-mail at .